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National CRN Registrations

National CRN Registration is provided when designs are to be registered in multiple provincial or territorial jurisdictions in Canada. This is intended to have a more streamlined and efficient approach for obtaining registration in multiple jurisdictions.

Single jurisdiction: To register in a single jurisdiction such as for site specific installations, please contact the required jurisdiction directly.

Fitting Designs

For national registration of your fitting designs, you must submit the following:

  • Application Form for National Registration - this printable form can be completed electronically. Please note specific jurisdictional requirements are identified depending on jurisdictions selected; 
  • One set of documentation (calculations/drawings);
  • One copy of the scope of registration for multiple fitting designs i.e. catalogue;
  • One copy of a valid Quality Program Certificate for each fabrication plant if not covered under a centralized Quality Program Certificate;
  • Two original, signed and notarized TSK-1008 Statutory Declaration forms; and
  • Two original, signed and notarized Uniform Statutory Declaration forms (only required if registration includes Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

Boilers/Pressure Vessels

For national registration of your boiler and pressure vessel designs, you must submit the following:

  • Application Form for National Registration - this printable form can be completed electronically. Please note specific jurisdictional requirements are identified depending on jurisdictions selected; 
  • One set of drawings and one set of calculations;
  • One copy of a valid Quality Program Certificate for the vessel manufacturer; and
  • Designs of vessels over 20 feet requiring registration in British Columbia, must include seismic calculations.