Pressure Welder Licensing
Out of Province Weld Licences
A valid pressure welder’s licence issued from other jurisdictions in Canada can be transferred to Saskatchewan if the WPQ meets ASME IX requirements.
You will be issued a Saskatchewan Out of Province Weld licence which will have the same variables and expiry dates as your original weld ticket. For continuity logs (log books), the licence issued will expire six months from the last date of qualification listed in your log book.
When applying for a licence transfer please ensure you include a clear copy of both sides of the weld licence you will use in Saskatchewan.
Transfer to Saskatchewan - by Welder Licence
To transfer a weld licence from another jurisdiction to Saskatchewan, complete the Application for an Out of Province Welder's Licence form.
Transfer to Saskatchewan - by Welder Log Book
To transfer weld qualifications from another jurisdiction to Saskatchewan using a log book, complete the Application for an Out of Province Welder's Licence form.
Welder's Licence by Authorized Contractor
An authorized contractor is a holder of a valid Quality Control Program and contractor’s licence who is designated pursuant to section 145 as having authority to administer pressure welders’ qualification tests to employees.
To apply for an Authorized Contractor licence complete the Welder's Licence by Authorized Contractor form.
Authorized Contractor Extension
You may apply for a 6 month extension by completing the Welder’s Licence by an Authorized Contractor Extension form.
All applications for extension are subject to review and approval. If you have any questions please contact our customer service team at 1.866.530.8599 or email
Duplicate Welder's Licence
To receive a copy of your Welder's Licence complete the Application for Duplicate Welders Licence form.