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Welding Procedures

Anyone who intends to construct, install, alter or repair a boiler, pressure vessel, fitting or pressure piping system by welding must apply for registration of the Welding Procedures (WPS). Welding Procedures must meet the ASME Section IX requirements.

Once the procedure is approved you must ensure the approved welding procedures comply with the applicable Construction Codes. You are required to keep copies of the procedure at any worksite where the procedure is used and ensure any welding on a boiler, pressure vessel, fitting or pressure piping system is carried out in accordance with the registered procedure.


To register your Welding Procedure, complete the Application for Registration of Weld Procedure or Revision form.

Once reviewed and approved by TSASK you will receive an assigned registration number.


To revise your Welding Procedure, complete the Application for Registration of Weld Procedure or Revision form.

Information Papers

For more information on Welding Procedures, please refer to the WPS information papers:


IP-2008-07-001 Registration Requirements for Weld Procedures


IP-2017-Nov-01 Use of Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPS)