About the Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
The Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) is a not-for-profit organization established July 1, 2010 through the passage of The Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan Act (TSASK Act). TSASK was created from the Licensing and Inspections Branch of the Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing with a mandate of delivering safety programs related to pressure equipment, elevating devices, and amusement rides. In 2020, TSASK took on additional responsibilities for gas and electrical licensing and, in 2021, for gas and electrical permitting and inspections. TSASK's scope was further expanded to include plumbing permitting and inspections beginning on January 1, 2022. TSASK's relationship with government resides with the Ministry of Government Relations.
TSASK's mandate includes registration, inspection, certification, and licensing programs. Services are delivered on a fee-for-service basis, with fees charged to the sectors designing, manufacturing, installing, operating, and owning equipment that is potentially hazardous or is otherwise related to public safety in the industries TSASK regulates. TSASK presently administers and enforces the provisions of the following legislation and related regulations:
Boilers and Pressure Vessels
Elevating Devices
Amusement Rides and Devices
- The Gas Inspection Act
- The Gas Inspection Regulations
- The Gas Licensing Act
- The Gas Licensing Regulations
- The Electrical Inspection Act
- The Electrical Inspection Regulations
- The Electrical Licensing Act
- The Electrical Licensing Regulations
TSASK operates at arms-length from the provincial government, under the terms of a Safety Standards Agreement (SSA).
The Government of Saskatchewan, through the Ministry of Government Relations, continues to be responsible for the legislative and regulatory requirements governing the safe operation of boilers, pressure vessels, elevators, amusement rides, gas, electrical and plumbing. The government continues to be responsible for establishing safety standards and policies as well as legislative and regulatory requirements related to public safety.