A Plumbing Permit is required to perform all plumbing work in your home, on your farm or in your place of business. This includes new plumbing installations, alterations to an existing plumbing system or the addition of fixtures.
A Plumbing Permit ensures that you are hiring someone who is trained to do the work.
Permit Holder’s Responsibilities:
- All work must conform to the current National Plumbing Code and the Saskatchewan Amendments.
- All work to be left uncovered until inspected.
- Request for inspection must be made at least 2 business days in advance.
- The owner or owner’s representative shall be on site for the inspection.
- A permit is no longer valid if the work for which the permit is issued has not started within 180 days or is not completed 2 years after the date of issue.
How to Apply for a Permit
Contractors and Journeypersons can register to apply for permits online through GEIS our online permitting system.
How to Apply
Login to GEIS to apply for a plumbing permit.
If you have any questions about the permit application process, please call our office before applying at 1-866-530-8599 or email info@tsask.ca.