Prior to requesting an inspection from TSASK, all General Contractors or Owners must complete the required checklists. Failure to do so may result in a cancelled inspection with additional inspection fees.
It is the responsibility of the Elevator Contractor to stop work or immediately report building conditions that are not in compliance with the registered drawings, design submissions, as well as all applicable codes and standards.
Contractors shall make all reasonable efforts to schedule the inspection with a minimum of 7 business days advanced notice. At that time, emailed conformance and completion of checklists are required. This form shall be completed and uploaded for review. Please email completed checklists to ElevatorDesign@tsask.ca.
Pre-Inspection Documents:
Testing Requirements for ThyssenKrupp Northern Elevator Sheave Jammers
Emergency Power/Firefighters’ Service Testing
How to Apply
To request an Elevator Construction / Acceptance Inspection complete the Request for Elevator Acceptance Inspection form.