To write your 3rd Class exam you must hold a valid 4th Class Power Engineer certificate, please see the certification page for more information.
The examination consists of four exam papers, each with 100 multiple choice questions. You will be allowed 3 hours to complete each exam paper.
To pass you must obtain a mark of at least 65% on each exam.
Exam Papers
Part A
Paper 1: Applied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Thermodynamics Applied, Science and Industrial Legislation & Codes
Paper 2: Industrial Legislation & Codes, Code Calculations, ASME Section I, Fuels & Combustion, Piping, Electrotechnology, Electrical Calculations, Control Instrumentation, & Industrial Safety & Fire Protection
Part B
Paper 1: Boilers, Boiler Control Systems, Feedwater Treatment, Pumps, Welding Procedures & Inspection and Pressure Vessels
Paper 2: Prime Movers, Cogeneration, Refrigeration, Special Industrial Equipment, Waste Water Treatment & Plant Maintenance, & Administration
Please note:
- Power Engineering exams are scheduled for specific dates and times in both Regina and Saskatoon. There will be no exceptions made.
- All exams are NON-REFUNDABLE.
- All exams are NON-TRANSFERABLE – once you are booked in for an exam, you will not be able to move it to a different date.
- In order to write an exam in Saskatchewan, you must reside in the province of Saskatchewan.
- There are a LIMITED number of seats available each exam sitting and all applications will be booked on a first come, first serve basis.
- If you fail an exam, you must wait 30 days before rewriting.
- If you apply for an exam and your application is denied, a refund will not be issued.
- TSASK reserves the right to refuse any application if we feel that the applicant may jeopardize the health and safety of our staff or clients.
Please submit your completed application at least 14 days prior to the date of the exam. Note: This application fee is non-refundable/non-transferable.
Syllabus Materials
- For all information regarding the exam syllabus please visit www.SOPEEC.org.
How to Apply
Please view the exam dates page to select an exam date before applying.
You will receive an email from our office confirming the date, time and location of your exam. Please make sure that you provide us with a current email address on your application form.